In their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasise that their product are new in some way, Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Issues related to marketing are frequently discussed these days. In the business world, it true that launched items always be described as they are cutting-edge compared to others in the market. In my opinion, it is
due to
the fact that customers prefer innovative products. I
contend that
trend brings benefits in aspects and
essay will provide
explanations and examples to clarify my viewpoint. As for the first question, there are numerous reasons why entrepreneurs usually claim that they produce brand-new commodities. The primary basis is that modern technologies or the latest collections provide more convenience to people's daily lives, and
helps increase selling rates.
For instance
, Apple annually advertises their up-to-date gadgets in September with the information details showing the various types of high-end technologies behind it. In the fashion industry, the biggest two companies Adidas and Nike inform customers about their recent breathable textile which can reduce body temperatures
you are wearing.
is a popular psychological trick to close the deals. With regard to the second question, I think
is a positive movement because it stimulates the competition in a good way. In the past five years, there is research from Chulalongkorn University has shown that more than 30
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per cent
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of the company's budgets focus on research and development to differentiate its products from others in the market.
, people have more contemporary choices on the lists leading to a better quality of living. All things considered, I am of the opinion that the product's campaigns talking about the different enhance a lot of advantages.
, as a customer, I think we should meticulously assess the facts of the product as its true performance before making a determination.
Submitted by nyentdn on

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