Some people think that it is best to save money, for example in a bank or savings scheme. Other people feel that money should be spent whenever it is available. Discuss these views and reach an opinion on this debate.

In the plethora of communities, it is thought that the majority of
prefer to save their
in a bank or savings account as their best option to manage their funds. Meanwhile, others assume that spending
on necessities is a preferable choice. In
issue, I will explain clearly and in the following paragraphs, I will shed light on numerous reasons to support both views. To commence with the facet of the discussions, there are myriad things to be shared in its favour. Generally speaking the personal monetary of someone, there are plenty of advantages that the majority of a bank can offer their specialised saving
who frequently invest their funds are preparing for unexpected expenses
as maternity, emergency health, and education, and especially avoid less debt in the future.
, I presumably think that banks have minimal risks to saving the amount of
because it is protected by the authorities. Talking about the scheme that banks offer,
on the other hand
, some
think that spending on things
as primary, secondary, and tertiary accommodations will probably be a preferable option.
, it is because some working-class
assume that buying for those mentioned in the productive ages is easy. After all, they earn numerous stipends in jobs rather than just saving all the
, which in some words, they say that you only live once.
, I noticed a major problem in
For example
, the figure of poverty nowadays is presented by boomer generations because,
along with
their productive ages, they cannot plan their
efficiently, which results in income loss. In conclusion, I prefer to encourage
to carefully entrust their private
to professionals because the future cannot be predicted. In case something unexpected happens, individuals can manage it well.
, investing in important things is
a good idea as long as
are in good shape.
Submitted by wulandarianggieta on

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Your essay addresses both sides of the issue and attempts to provide a balanced discussion, which is good for task achievement.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • financial security
  • unforeseen circumstances
  • accumulate
  • stimulate demand
  • economic growth
  • quality of life
  • financial balance
  • budgeting
  • expenditures
  • personal goals
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