Today more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the Sahara dessert or the Antarctic What are the benefits and disadvantages for tourists who visit such places?

Nowadays, there are two types of people. The first type
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is people who want only to travel to an ordinary place and have a good time.
, the other type is people who want to travel to extraordinary areas to explore more. Recently, a variety range of individuals have been visiting areas with harsh weather conditions. In
essay, I will elaborate on the pros and cons of
argument. On the one hand, there are a
of mysterious places which have not been discovered yet. a wide range of individuals have a venturing spirit. They believe that they are able to explore more.
In addition
, they want to exploit the technology to document their journey or find a hidden city.
, some of them believe in myths and want to find a hidden treasure or to detect a new creature.
For instance
, a
of explorers are trying to find the Atlantic City. They believe that it is behind the mountains of Antarctica. They assume that it is the most advanced civilisation. On the other hand, a
of risks will be found during
, most travellers are not aware of the plants. They can touch or eat any of it and it can be poisoned.
they are not navigators,
they can get lost.
For example
, a diverse range of individuals is lost
due to
the hiking mountains in Peru.
, they are not aware of the weather or the impediments in these areas.
For instance
, every year a
of enterprises die
due to
the rough weather in Antarctica. They can not cope with
freezing area. In conclusion, we should be aware of our lives. We should study the place that we are going to visit.
can alleviate any obstacles and make us more safe.
Submitted by mohannadsme on

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coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph has a clear central idea and that ideas flow logically from one to the next.
task achievement
Develop the ideas more deeply with clearer explanations and more detailed examples to support your points.
task achievement
Good attempt at addressing both the benefits and disadvantages of visiting places with harsh conditions.
coherence cohesion
The essay includes a clear introduction and a conclusion that summarizes the main points effectively.
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