the Correct article usage
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recent years, it
becomesWrong verb form
show examples
a trend to move from
the Correct article usage
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phenomenon the population of villages
have beenWrong verb form
show examples
declined. Many citizens are moving to make
betterCorrect article usage
show examples
ofChange preposition
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their families, others believe that it puts
extraAdd an article
show examples
burden on
’ infrastructures
expansionAdd an article
the expansion
an expansion
show examples
of pollution, transport system,medical , and an
in crime rates. In my view it is a negative development if individuals
movedWrong verb form
show examples
out, villagers will suffer
withChange preposition
show examples
the shortage of skilled workers and upcoming developments will stop, for
notion I will provide some examples,
whyChange preposition
show examples
it is not
for both rural and
city’sChange noun form
show examples
On the one hand, the main reason is that residents of rural
move to
for better job opportunities as per their qualifications and they want to send their children to better schools and universities. Another factor is that in metro towns
get the latest facilities
as medical, good universities,
transportCorrect word choice
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systemFix the agreement mistake
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, and
moreCorrect pronoun usage
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convenient for shopping.
, in India, it is very easy to do
part timeAdd a hyphen
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jobs and if anyone
sickAdd a missing verb
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he can rush to the local hospitals in minutes. In villages it is not possible to reach on time at medical facilities, so
some timeCorrect your spelling
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diedWrong verb form
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duringChange preposition
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travelingChange the spelling
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to the hospitals.
, the primary reason is that if families moved out from the rural
, it
willWrong verb form
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be a labour shortage for rural industries and shopping centres.
the Correct article usage
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development will stop and shops will shut down
less saleFix the agreement mistake
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of their goods.
, in
the population will increase and it will create many problems
onChange preposition
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council’sCorrect article usage
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infrastructure like
Correct article usage
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needWrong verb form
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moreChange preposition
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incrementCorrect article usage
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of pollution and many
withChange preposition
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different diseases.
, more crimes will increase and to control these, it will require more police forces and the local
will lose their jobs and require more houses for the migrants.
In my opinion,
increasedCorrect article usage
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population provide more skilled workers, more business to the local businesses, and
housingAdd an article
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market will boom.
, universities and schools will get more revenue and they will produce
bestCorrect article usage
show examples
In summary, following the analysis of both
we cannot ignore folks
thoseCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
are moving from the rural
and contributing
inChange preposition
show examples
cities’Correct article usage
show examples
economy but it creates many issues
as crimes, pollution,
needCorrect article usage
show examples
moreChange preposition
show examples
medical centres and extra infrastructures to manage outsiders.
, it is predicted that the movement of
towards the
will continue in the future as well to get better opportunities.