Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects. Other people think that, in todays world, subjects like Science and technology are most important than History. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays, many
believe that physics and
that are essential to
era are the priority, not
On the other hand
, some
argue that we should focus on studying the past more than anything. In my opinion, both of them are important as without one of them the communities can not thrive. On the one hand, many proponents emphasize that focusing on technical and scientific
is a privilege that will lead to creating strong countries. They agree that with the huge competition in the technical field between the nations, schools ought to concentrate on the
that will have a great effect in the future.
In addition
, they believe that rather than wasting time studying
, students should have more time to explore beneficial
for them in their prospective jobs.
For example
, many of the strong and well-developed countries have started to use tablets in schools and teach students how to use them.
, some
think that nothing compares to studying
if we need our societies to grow. They said that we can not improve without learning from the past nations' faults, so we do not repeat the same mistakes and waste a lot of time.
, they believe that studying previous lives could give us answers about many natural disasters or the extinction of some animals or many other things.
For instance
, without studying the past we would not know that the mountains were formed by the movement of the tectonic plates. In conclusion, whether
believe that
is more important than science and physics, I think that if we are seeking society's development and growth we can not neglect one of them.
Submitted by okalqusay on

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task achievement
Your essay addresses the topic well and provides a balanced discussion of both views, but there is room for improvement in terms of depth and examples.
task achievement
Try to include more detailed and specific examples to support your points. This will strengthen your arguments and make your essay more convincing.
coherence cohesion
Your essay's structure is logical and easy to follow, but ensure that each paragraph starts with a clear topic sentence that outlines the main idea.
coherence cohesion
Seamless transitions between your paragraphs will enhance the flow of your essay. Use linking words to connect your ideas smoothly.
introduction conclusion present
The introduction is clear and sets the stage for the discussion on both viewpoints.
introduction conclusion present
You have a well-structured conclusion that effectively summarizes the main points and provides a personal opinion.
supported main points
Your main points are relevant and clearly identified, which helps in maintaining the reader's focus throughout your essay.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • cultural heritage
  • moral values
  • critical thinking
  • analytical skills
  • innovation
  • economic growth
  • global challenges
  • climate change
  • healthcare
  • problem-solving
  • practical skills
  • job market
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