Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their country. What are the reasons behind this view? What are the solutions to change it?

It is widely argued that global
has a negative impact on various aspects of the local countries.
essay attempts to shed light on the driving factors behind
negative view before outlining several viable solutions that should be adopted to tackle
problem. There are two primary reasons why local inhabitants often consider international
as a cause of many serious issues in their countries. One reason is that it may have an adverse bearing on traditional customs and indigenous practices.
For example
visiting Vietnam, some Western tourists could be rowdy and wear unsuitable clothing, which might have an undesirable influence on local young people who copy immodest or provocative behaviour and fashion. Another reason is that foreign visitors often pollute or litter tourist attractions.
For instance
, a variety of famous beaches in Vietnam,
as Cua Lo and Sam Son, have been spoiled because of
lack of respect for the local environment, which could have an adverse bearing on the living standard of the local dwellers. To combat
worrying concern, the following feasible steps should be taken. First and foremost, the unquestionable economic benefits of international
for local economies should be promoted widely through official media.
As a result
, local residents could be able to be aware of the pivotal role which global
plays in their lives, thereby making them change their oppositional attitudes towards global
, governing bodies should enforce strict regulations on the
For example
, they could impose heavy fines on those littering or polluting the local environment, which could protect the local environment from being contaminated by the irresponsible behaviour of tourists. In conclusion, there are some underlying motives behind
negative perception towards international
, and it is crucial that the aforementioned measures be implemented to change
oppositional perspective.
Submitted by vietnam.rosy.nguyen on

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task achievement
To enhance task response, aim to further elaborate on the solutions mentioned, providing more specific actions and possibly discussing potential challenges in implementing these steps.
coherence cohesion
Some sentences can be linked more smoothly to improve flow. Ensuring each paragraph transitions smoothly into the next will enhance coherence and cohesion.
coherence cohesion
You have a clear and compelling introduction and conclusion, which frame the essay nicely.
task achievement
Your essay addresses the task thoroughly and presents a clear perspective on the topic.
task achievement
Good use of specific examples to support your main points, making your argument more persuasive.
coherence cohesion
Overall, your essay has a logical structure that guides the reader through your points systematically.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Environmental impact
  • Over-tourism
  • Pollution
  • Natural habitats
  • Cultural erosion
  • Economic dependency
  • Resource strain
  • Sustainable tourism
  • Eco-friendly practices
  • Cultural heritage
  • Infrastructure
  • Diversification
  • Empowerment
  • Awareness programs
  • Visitor limits
  • Off-peak tourism
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