The chart below shows the percentage of adults of different ages in the UK who used the Internet every day from 2003-2006. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The chart below shows the percentage of adults of different ages in the UK who used the Internet every day from 2003-2006. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The bar graph provides information about the proportion of individuals,aged 16 to over 65
old, with regard to
daily consumption in the UK during the
2003 and 2006.
, it can be seen that the younger individuals are, the more they daily consume the
because of individuals' capability of
accessibility including generations. The group of 16 to 24
old is the largest fraction of residents using the
, the elderly occupy the smallest percentage of the total spending time on online platforms.
According to
the detail, younger who aged 16-24
old spent more time with online interaction in comparison to the other categories, with at least four in fifths over the times
as well as
reaching a peak at 100% in 2005. The data
reveals a similar pattern between the total of adults aged 25-44 and 45-54 in the case of
consumption,accounting for 80% in 2006 with less usage in the previous
, the figures for the older,aged 55-64
old,interacting with online media platforms experienced half of the total in 2006,never over 50% over the
Submitted by phanphetpor on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words years, internet with synonyms.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • percentage
  • age group
  • daily internet use
  • trend
  • increase/decrease
  • upward/downward trend
  • year-wise
  • distribution
  • fluctuation
  • highest/lowest
  • technological advancements
  • social changes
  • targeted marketing
  • internet usage patterns
  • technological familiarity
  • lifestyle
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