In some countries, people who commit less serious crimes are made to undertake community service* instead of a prison sentence. Some people believe that all people who have committed a crime should be sent to prison. Do you agree or disagree?

Some folk feel that all organized crime who have done violence have to be sent to lockup.
On the contrary
, some countries think that society who commit small violations should join community service because they do not need to spend their lives in the penitentiary.
, murderers, rapists and aggravated assaults should be spent in prison. In
matter, I would like to agree with the former view. Some folk deem that all persons who committed a crime if it is serious or not, have to be spent in lockup. Some people think the opposite, individuals who theft, disobey the law, or simply assault are not
. To explicate it more, mankind should not sent to lockup for less serious violations because the jail surrounding environment is not safe for these communities. Resultantly, if they live with
public in future it may happen, that they attempt serious
, it would be advisable that the population join community service by doing small faults. They become a good person in the future and keep away from
For instance
, countries like the Netherlands and the UAE have laws that less serious
should compulsorily join social work.
As a consequence
, their government gives them a chance to reconsideration of their fault.
, culprits of serious
as, who do murder, rap, and huge robberies should be sent to prison, in view of the fact that
are not appropriate to live in society. Tacitly, they influence small children to commit
As a result
, they have to be sent to jail and higher authorities should take strict action against them.
For example
, countries like the UK and India give punishment to serious
to spend their whole lives behind four walls of prison and in some cases death.
To conclude
, serious gangland have to be punished with imprisonment but people who have done less serious
like breaking the law and theft, should be given one chance to prove themself and not be sent to jail.
, I agree with the first sentence.
Submitted by kaverigoti2209 on

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