Some people think that universities studentsshould specialise in a particular subject while others believe that they should study a range of subjects. Discus both views and give your opinion.

A few individuals suggest that higher institution students should focus on a specific subject area
others think that they should learn widely across several topics.
essay will expatiate on both views,
, I am of the opinion that a particular course
should be studied by students as it will help them to have complete knowledge of their
To begin
with, the suggestions of those who want university candidates to learn a wide range of units might have
take for several reasons. One is that having exposure to different areas of training can give them diverse understanding and information.
That is
, their wealth of knowledge is expanded
in any job
they find themselves in future, they would be able to apply other skills acquired.
For instance
, General training for Doctors helps them to have every necessary information on all areas of medicine which they make use of during their practice. Meanwhile,
on the other hand
, I am
in support of the other groups that believe that a definite area of study should only be focused on. When trainees concentrate their strength on a particular discipline, it helps equip them to become masters of it. A typical example is the training that Dentists go through
in medical school. Unlike other medical practitioners, they are made to pick their speciality early during their study, and in return, they graduate as specialists.
, it instils confidence into them with the mindset that they know everything in their
. In conclusion,
diverse academic exposure might be important for undergraduates, learning a particular skill will go a long way in shaping them to become a professional.
, less half-baked graduates in the labour market.
Submitted by peteromisakin on

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Consider enhancing the transitions between paragraphs to further improve the overall flow of your essay. This will contribute positively to the logical structure.
task achievement
Provide more varied and specific examples to better support your arguments. This will also help in making your ideas clearer and more comprehensive.
Revisit some of your sentences for clarity and grammatical accuracy. There were minor errors that may slightly distract the reader.
coherence cohesion
Your introduction is clear and sets up the discussion effectively.
task achievement
You have provided a strong argument in support of both views, making your response comprehensive and balanced.
task achievement
Your conclusion effectively summarizes the key points and restates your position clearly.
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