There have been several complaints about the reception area where visitors to your company  arrive. Your manager has asked you to suggest how the reception area could be improved. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter:  &Describe the complaints that have been made. &Say why the reception area is important. &Say why the reception area could be improved.

Dear Sir or Madam, I trust
message finds you well. I am writing to convey my recommendations for enhancing the reception desk area.
details regarding these suggestions are outlined below. We have received unfavourable feedback concerning the lobby, with notable complaints
Change the spelling
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around the discomfort of the seating options, which do not provide adequate support for extended waiting periods.
, there is a notable lack of personnel available to assist our
, the ceiling fans are operating at insufficient speeds during warmer days. Given that the reception area is the initial point of contact for our
and clients, the state of
space directly influences our brand image as a marketing agency. To address these issues, I propose the installation of comfortable sofas to allow visitors to sit and unwind.
, mounting a television on the wall would serve to entertain
as they await assistance, alleviating the potential boredom associated with waiting. It is
recommended to incorporate water dispensers, particularly during the summer months, to ensure our
remain hydrated. In terms of guest assistance, implementing a self-check portal could streamline the process for both visitors and our team. I am optimistic about the potential for these enhancements. Yours faithfully, Kurbonov Arthur
Submitted by omondavlat91 on

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coherence and cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph focuses on a single idea to improve clarity and readability. For example, separate the discussion of seating discomfort, lack of personnel, and insufficient fan speed into individual paragraphs.
coherence and cohesion
The overall logical structure of the letter is clear and effective, ensuring that the reader can easily follow the points being made.
coherence and cohesion
The letter opens and closes with appropriate formalities, enhancing professionalism.
task achievement
The writing tone is suitable for a professional context and aligns well with the task requirements.
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