In many countries nowadays, consumers can go to a supermarket and buy food produced all over the world. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

People claim that the ability to purchase
from all over the world in local supermarkets is a significant advancement. In my opinion,
is a positive development that benefits consumers and economies alike. One reason why
is a positive development is that it provides consumers with a greater variety of
means that people have access to diverse cuisines and ingredients, which can enhance their culinary experiences and encourage healthier eating habits.
For instance
, a person in Europe can easily buy exotic fruits like mangoes or avocados, which are not native to their region. Another reason
is positive is that it supports economic growth by creating a global market for
products. When supermarkets import
from different countries, it boosts trade and provides income opportunities for farmers and producers worldwide.
economic exchange can lead to improved living standards in developing countries, where many of these products are grown.
On the other hand
, there are some negative aspects to consider. One of the downsides is the environmental impact of transporting
over long distances.
In other words
, the carbon emissions from shipping and airfreight contribute to climate change, which is a significant global concern.
For example
, importing out-of-season fruits from another hemisphere requires a large amount of energy, resulting in a high carbon footprint. In conclusion,
there are environmental concerns associated with buying
from around the world, the benefits of increased
variety and economic growth make
a positive development
. The advantages of global
availability outweigh the disadvantages.
Submitted by eparfenenkov on

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task achievement
The essay should include more specific examples to support arguments fully.
coherence cohesion
Make a smoother transition between the advantages and disadvantages for improved coherence.
coherence cohesion
The essay presents a clear introduction and conclusion, framing the discussion well.
task achievement
It addresses both the positive and negative aspects of the topic thoroughly.
task achievement
The main points are well-supported and relevant to the topic.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • nutrition
  • cultural exposure
  • competitive markets
  • economic boost
  • employment opportunities
  • carbon footprint
  • environmental impact
  • local produce
  • food security
  • global supply chain
  • sustainable practices
  • consumer choice
  • market dynamics
  • price competition
  • agricultural sector
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