You are planning a week-long vacation and you need someone to take care of your house while you are away. Write a letter to your neighbor and tell them that you are going away. In your letter, you should: ask them to take care of your house explain why you will be away.

Dear Mrs. Stevenson, How have you been? I am writing to you to request a little bit of help. As you may have noticed
due to
the amount of luggage I have on my patio, I am going
Change preposition
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a business trip in London for the next week. You would do me a huge
Change the spelling
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if you would be able to take care of my cats and water the plants in the living room in my absence. It would be a shame for them to wither. Sadly, my cat, Daisy, requires a lot more care now because she just gave birth to 3 kittens.
reason, I can’t bring all of them with me and I do need a bit of a helping hand. As for my trip, I got a sudden notice from my boss
Wednesday, saying that
trip may give me the opportunity to get a promotion.
, I simply could not refuse the offer, especially because me and my fiancé are planning to get married soon. Thank you for considering lending me a hand. I will come visit you tonight
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so that we can discuss more details in person and give you the entrance key. Sincerely, Anne.
Submitted by acaitaz on

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The structure of the letter is well-organized, but it could be improved by ensuring each paragraph sticks to a single idea more precisely. For example, separating the request about the cats and plants into two distinct paragraphs.
Task Response
While the letter does a great job of explaining why you will be away, it could benefit from rechecking grammar and punctuation for smoothness and accuracy. For instance, 'a business trip in London' should be 'a business trip to London'.
Greeting and Closing
The greeting and closing are appropriate and courteous, contributing to a friendly yet formal tone suitable for the context.
Task Achievement
The letter comprehensively addresses all parts of the task: requesting help, explaining the reason for the trip, and providing clear instructions—indicating good task achievement.
Suitable Writing Tone
The writing tone is polite and considerate, which is suitable given the nature of the request being made to a neighbor.
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