The pie chart compares the proportion of world light vehicle production in various areas in 2015.
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it is clear that
Greater China and Europe had approximately a similar percentage of manufacturing of different passenger vehicles, which consisted of roughly half of the char. Linking Words
By contrast
, the Middle East and Africa illustrated the lowest ratio.
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To begin
, we can notice that the most of world's light vehicle development was in both Europe and Greater China, consisting of respectively 25% and 26%, Linking Words
North America ranked the following place by just 19%. Linking Words
, the percentage of passenger car manufacturing in Japan and Korea was only 16%, which is lower by 3% than in North America.
Regarding other regions, the total proportion of vehicle production in South Asia consisted of just 8%, Linking Words
South America showed just 4% which is twice less than in South Asia. Linking Words
In addition
, we may see that the lowest ratio of production passenger transports was in the Middle East with Africa by only 2%.Linking Words