Some parents and teachers think that children's behaviour should be strictly controlled. While some think that children should be free to behave. Discuss both views and give your opinion

It is often believed that controlling
is necessary for parents and teachers
others are more tolerant of their free
. I partially support the former to encourage their healthy acts regardless of the growing sense of independence as they become more responsible for their own acts. On the one hand,
should play a significant role in determining what
should do and should not so they can learn to manage their
In other words
, they will be more aware of their wrongdoings which should be avoided thanks to the advice from
who are concerned about them the most.
For instance
, they are more likely to limit their screen time so as not to damage their eyesight when parents restrict their use of smartphones and computers.
restrictions imposed on
will allow them to control their selfish desire to take more healthy actions, which bring more benefits to the
On the other hand
' intervention in
can discourage their independence as they are less likely to think on their own. Indeed, they not only tend to refrain from thinking critically but
have creative imagination, resulting from their constant dependence on their parents and teachers in every aspect of their lives.
In contrast
, those who are allowed to act freely are usually better at solving problems as they are encouraged to take responsibility for their own
, they are more likely to gain significant skills and knowledge that are essential in life as they learn from a number of mistakes they have made. In conclusion, I somewhat believe that the guide from
is crucial for
to distinguish the difference between good and bad
as well as
regulate their wants.
, the excessive restriction on their
can impede their critical and creative mind, making it important for
to allow them to act with their own responsibilities.
Submitted by mizuho on

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coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph's main idea is clearly stated in the topic sentence to enhance coherence.
task achievement
Include more varied vocabulary and complex sentence structures to improve the overall quality and readability of the essay.
coherence cohesion
The essay exhibits a logical structure with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
task achievement
Both viewpoints are discussed effectively, providing a balanced perspective.
task achievement
Specific examples, such as the point about limiting screen time, add depth to the argument.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • boundaries
  • self-discipline
  • authority
  • future success
  • safeguard
  • consequences
  • harmful decisions
  • immaturity
  • independence
  • critical thinking
  • problem-solving skills
  • creativity
  • emotional well-being
  • rigid rules
  • explore interests
  • express themselves
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