The charts below show the percentage of their food budget the average family spent on restaurant meals in different years . The graph shows the average number of meals eaten in fast - food restaurants and sit - down restaurants per family .

The charts below show the percentage of their food budget the average family spent on restaurant meals in different years . The graph shows the average number of meals eaten in fast - food restaurants and sit - down restaurants per family .
Verb problem
show examples
pie chart compares data about how many people ate out in restaurants in 4 various years.
In addition
, the line chart shows the amount of food
that is
served in fast-food and sit-down restaurants.
, it was important that the number of population who made dishes in their home declined
the figure of meals which were eaten outdoors climbed over the period of 30 years.
According to
the pie graph, in the beginning, the proportion of money that was spent on restaurant meals was 10%;
in contrast
to homemade cooking leapt significantly and reached a percentage that was the same as another factor. The line diagram demonstrates at the start, both items had the same score at 20;
, fast food was the most popular owing to the fact that it jumped considerably and touched 85 in 2000.
, the sitdown food place went up somewhat and hit roughly 50 in 2000.
Submitted by maryamkazemi968 on

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