You live in a room in college which you share with another student. However, there are many problems with this arrangement and you find it very difficult to work. Write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college. In the letter • describe the situation • explain your problems and why it is difficult to work • say what kind of accommodation you would prefe

Dear Mr Collin, I would like to introduce myself, I am Andrea and live at your college and share a room with another student. Unfortunately, I have
Correct article usage
a problem
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with my roommate, he is so loud every evening if I want to learn for the next day,
Change the verb form
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want to tidy up your side of the room. And during the weekend he has so noisy party with other students from college. I have tried to talk with him,
Correct word choice
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he still
Change the verb form
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with troubles, I am without a
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to make an agreement with him. I would like to kindly ask you if you can
Correct your spelling
situation to him and help me to make a solution. Currently, if you have other accommodations available where I
Add a missing verb
do have
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not to share the room with another student, I would be so happy. I appreciate your help and resulting
situation. Kind regards, Your
Correct your spelling
Andrea Kroupa
Submitted by andrea.kroupova on

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task achievement
Ensure accurate grammar and vocabulary use, such as correcting 'don't' to 'doesn't' and 'your side' to 'his side.'
coherence cohesion
Use paragraphs effectively to separate different ideas or sections of the letter. For instance, start a new paragraph when you explain your problems.
task achievement
Provide more specific details about the issues, e.g., how often the parties occur or how the noise disrupts your work, to fully address the task requirement.
task achievement
Clear description of the problematic situation with the roommate, providing context.
task achievement
Polite and respectful tone throughout the letter, which is appropriate for this type of communication.
coherence cohesion
Presence of greeting and closing, making the correspondence appear formal and structured.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • accommodation officer
  • roommate
  • share a room
  • living arrangement
  • difficult to work
  • noise levels
  • study environment
  • privacy concerns
  • alternative accommodation
  • single room
  • academic performance
  • well-being
  • respectfully request
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