around the globe have been more alike than
previousChange preposition
show examples
phenomenon may occur
easier access to worldwide cultural
informationsChange the wording
pieces of information
show examples
. Personally, I think
issue may bring negative effects as it reduces the country’s authentic identity.
The topic regarding similar
happens because it is far simpler to access global
informationsChange the wording
pieces of information
show examples
over the internet nowadays.
The Correct your spelling
show examples
can influence a
populationsChange noun form
show examples
behaviorChange the spelling
show examples
altering their value similar to
other countryChange the wording
another country
other countries
show examples
, a lot of Arabic
hasCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
been allowing the use of revealing swimsuits in public facilities for tourists
decade, imitating
westernCapitalize word
show examples
culture. More
residenceReplace the word
show examples
of the country are becoming more open-minded regarding
the influence of other nations around the internet.
theCorrect article usage
show examples
result of
similarity of traditions and
behaviorChange the spelling
show examples
, it may reduce the diversity of
worldwide, slowly diminishing a country’s identity.
neighboringChange the spelling
show examples
might claim our country’s heritage as theirs,
increasing the nation’s cultural poverty.
, Indonesia and Malaysia
hasChange the verb form
show examples
been fighting for ownership
overChange preposition
show examples
batik as
national’sChange noun form
show examples
clothing over the
few years. Each side claimed that batik is a part of their culture and exclusively belongs to them. There is no panacea for
problem, as both
think that losing their rights over batik will cost them their rich collection of traditions.
In conclusion, similarity in national
may be a result
fromChange preposition
show examples
the abundance of accessible worldwide information. Yet,
may cause an original identity crisis for the nations concerned.