It has often been suggested that the reintroduction of capital punishment would deter the ever-increasing rate of serious crime. What is your view? Do you think that capital punishment should be reinstated?

In the contemporary era, increasing violence throughout the globe has brought the idea of returning capital punishment to the justice system. I believe that execution can occasionally address the fast-paced issue of committing various
. On the one hand, in the
few decades, the rate of committing serious
has significantly risen, jeopardizing the safety of the public and making society unimmune for children
in particular
governments are concerned about various
as murder, child abuse, sexual harassment and acid attacks, there are not adequate sentences for the committers of these
that prevent others.
, execution can appear as a source of fear for people to be more cautious about their activities.
On the other hand
, extreme penalties can help prevent the committing of violent
considering certain factors.
, it is necessary to conduct profound research to find out the culprits of the fault.
, investigate if the criminal did the crime on purpose and
, acknowledge that they were aware of the ruling.
, execution is not recommended for individuals who committed minor infringements
as stealing someone’s wallet
, a balance should be achieved in chosen punishments and be as dire as the crime.
For instance
, in Saudi Arabia, they have a notion which says eyes for eyes and tooth for tooth regardless of age and crime
as a result
, everyone is fined similar to what they did
as a consequence
. In conclusion, the reintroduction of capital punishment can be brutal and opposed to human rights
it can reduce figures of harmful pursuits.
Submitted by mwoodman2 on

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You have effectively addressed the topic and expressed your opinion clearly. However, utilizing specific examples to support your points would strengthen your response.
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Ensure that all main points are developed fully with relevant details and examples to provide a comprehensive argument.
coherence cohesion
Try to add more transitional words and phrases to improve the flow and connection between your ideas.
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Ensure each paragraph logically follows from the previous one to create a smoother narrative.
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Your introduction and conclusion are clear and effectively frame your argument.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a logical structure and effectively organized paragraphs.
task achievement
You have presented a clear stance on the topic and supported it with relevant points.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • reintroduction
  • capital punishment
  • deter
  • serious crime
  • controversial
  • argument
  • deterrent
  • potential criminals
  • heinous act
  • justice
  • human rights
  • government
  • execute
  • innocent individuals
  • legal system
  • wrongful convictions
  • alternatives
  • life imprisonment
  • parole
  • rectifying
  • emerges
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