The graph below gives information on the number of participants for different activities at one social centre in Melbourne, Australia for the period 2000 to 2020.

The graph below gives information on the number of participants for different activities at one social centre in Melbourne, Australia for the period 2000 to 2020.
The presented line chart compares data about the figure of people who did various activities in
public place in Melbourne, a city in Australia, between 2000 and 2020.
, it was important that trends in all sectors other than Amateur dramatics and Martial arts increased; more over the best
is the Film club.
According to
the graph, at the start, Film Club, the main choice, was 64;
the score reduced and reached 60 in 2010;
, it went up slightly to 68 in 2020. Martial arts, The second
in 2000, fluctuation fashion around 30 and 40 owing to the fact that in 2000 was 37;
, it touched a nadir at 31in 2005;
changed and became roughly 37 in 2020. The diagram demonstrates the third
in 2000 was Amateur dramatics, which was dipping moderately.
In addition
, in 2000, it was 27 after that hit vertex at 30 in 2005;
, it declined to 8 the
Table tennis, which was the same in 2010 by 20, leapt significantly from 18 in 2000 to 55 in 2020;
, it became the second popular item. Musical performances began in 2005 by 0. Later it grew somewhat and became the number that was the same as the prior
in 2000.
Submitted by maryamkazemi968 on

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