You have seen an advertisement from a couple, who live in Autralia, for someone to teach their two children your language for a year. Write a letter to the coulple. In you letter explain why you think you would be suitable for the job say what else you could do for the family give your reasons for wanting the job

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you in regard to the advertisement on Facebook. My name is Maria and I am from Uruguay. I will be arriving in Australia in two weeks, I am very interested in your job offer as a teacher for your children. I am very good with kids and have exceptional skills in teaching Spanish. I have been travelling for the
four years in Europe and I have already worked as a Spanish teacher in France.
, I have a degree in cookery,
Correct word choice
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I do not consider myself a chef because I have never worked in that area yet, I would be able to prepare some
Correct your spelling
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and healthy meals for your family and for the kids to take to school. It would be amazing to meet your family
Remove the comma
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and to teach Spanish to your children. It is what I most enjoy in life so it would be amazing for me if you give me the opportunity. I will be attending a marketing degree but only two days a week so I would have plenty of available time. I am looking forward to hearing back from you. Yours faithfully, Maria
Submitted by jimeilaria on

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task achievement
Consider providing specific examples of your experiences and qualifications to strengthen your application.
coherence cohesion
Make sure to proofread for minor grammatical errors, such as 'nutritive' which should be 'nutritious' and 'coulple' which should be 'couple.'
greeting and closing
Excellent greeting and closing, which provides a warm and respectful tone to the letter.
single idea per paragraph
Well-structured paragraphs with distinct ideas, making it easy to read and follow.
suitable writing tone
The tone of the letter is suitably professional yet friendly, appealing to the prospective employers.
complete response
The letter provides sufficient information on why you are suitable for the job and how you can contribute to the family beyond just teaching the language.
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