Today food often travels thousands of miles from the farm to the consumer. Some people believe it would be better for the environment and the economy if people only ate food produced by local farmers. Would the advantages of this idea outweigh the disadvantages?

Access to nutritious
is essential for maintaining health and well-being. In current times,
usually comes from plantations to consumers over long distances. A group of individuals think that citizens should consume the
that is
provided by regional growers as it would be helpful for both the environment and the economy. In my perspective, the disadvantages of
though are greater than the advantages, and the reasons for my viewpoint will be discussed in the forthcoming paragraphs. To commence with, the foremost benefit of purchasing goods from the local farmer will be that the price of the
will be cheap in comparison to transporting from outside. As the transportation cost and other import duties will be not applied to
, eventually, it will become more affordable.
For example
, the local grains and veggies that are grown in domestic areas cost far less in comparison to the international ones.
, not all veggies and fruits can be planted in regional locations as some plants require specific atmospheres and land types for growth.
, the import of several foods is essential in order to consumption.
For instance
, fruits like apples can be harvested in only colder locations so, in India, most of the apples are shifted from the northern part to other territories. Other than that, if society depends on only consuming regional foods
they will miss out on all the vegetation and plants that are planted outside of the country or town.
As a result
, the chances of falling sick and ill will surge
due to
the lack of vitamins and minerals provided by the foods. To cite an example, strawberry is enriched with vitamin C, and if individuals stopped consuming
due to
it would result in a lack of that vitamin in one's body.
, the authority of the state
took advantage of outside
as they will get import and duty tax on those products as well.
To conclude
, in my opinion, the merits of
proposal do not surpass the demerits
due to
factors like chances of sickness
due to
lack of nutrients, benefit to the government, and regional factors of plantations.
Submitted by vishank.chauhan19504 on

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