Many students choose to study at colleges and universities that are far away from the places where they grew up. Do the benefits of this outweigh the drawbacks?

A lot of students opt for education at universities that are situated far away from the areas that they were brought up in.
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can help them with better career opportunities, I believe the negatives far outnumber the positives because of the adverse impacts it can have on their health in the long term. Many students consider
as a golden opportunity because it lets them have
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exposure to better education quality.
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A large
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number of universities
provide a hostel stay which
fosters and encourages
interactive learning environment. They feel challenged sharing the classroom with the intellectual minds which can
motivate them to pursue harder.
, placement opportunities may not be as strong in their own area compared to a developed hub.
For example
, many students all across the world, desperately attempt to get into universities like Stanford and Harvard, despite the distance, because of the quality education they provide followed by the numerous job options.
, staying far away can make them feel sad and dull consistently. Changes in culture and environment
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a lot to take in combined with the added stress of studies. Not everyone is able to gel in properly to new or unknown cultures and may feel left out at times.
can leave them depressed at times wanting to go back to their home town.
For example
, every parent dreams of sending their kids to IIT ( Indian Institute of Technology) in India, as they are known to provide the best placement opportunities, but every year at least one IIT student commits suicide painting a gruesome picture of the effects of studying far away. In conclusion,
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studying at colleges distanced farther from their home can help expedite their academic journey but the drawbacks of those far outweigh the benefits.
Submitted by man3meet4 on

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task achievement
Consider adding more specific examples and statistics to strengthen your arguments. Examples make your arguments more relatable and convincing.
task achievement
Ensure that your ideas are clearly and fully developed in each paragraph. Some points could be elaborated further to give a comprehensive understanding.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, which encapsulates the main argument effectively.
task achievement
The main points are supported with relevant examples, such as mentioning Stanford, Harvard, and IIT. These examples help in illustrating the points effectively.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • cultural sensitivity
  • personal growth
  • adaptability
  • independence
  • self-reliance
  • specialized programs
  • networking
  • career opportunities
  • homesickness
  • cultural shock
  • financial strain
  • accommodation
  • cost of living
  • family relationships
  • emotional challenges
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