Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations. Some people believe that governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping poorer nations in such areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

In third-world
, betterment is required to become successful depending upon the well-being of physical health, educated nation, and trading.
, in underdeveloped states, the strongest
should look after, to help the lower
think some
. I firmly agree with
statement because wealthier
should help reduce migration pressure.
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the one hand, in the modern era it is difficult to maintain life requirements
due to
higher taxes and lower salary packages and the foremost reason is the lack of resources.
, developed
emphasize that education helps provide opportunities for foreign students, and gives financial aid to
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the basic aspects like food, transportation, and trading.
For example
, the UK government helps African
by providing scholarships and significantly improved health care in Bangladesh.
, most of the European
help their lower
because everyone needs equal rights in society. Probing ahead, today's generation moving from their home nation to the other like America and the United Kingdom
due to
the lack of employment and opportunities.
, every nation has the right to live in equal aspects like other developed states, the migration phenomenon affects the country's habitat and
's minds because migrant
face criticism from the natives and face problems in their lives.
For instance
, many Africans migrated to Germany and Spain, and
bullied the Nigerians and made fun of them.
As a result
, the governments give all the basic needs that they have in their country.
To sum up
, for the aforementioned reasons, the governments of successful
should help the poorer
by providing a quality of life to improve health, education, and trading aspects.
Submitted by alviusman18 on

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