The graphs present the places and sorts of dancing courses that youngsters in an
town are taking right now.
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it is clear that
the lion's share of the pie is the young generations who join the studios privately, and it accounts for almost half of the circle. The trend can be seen in the bars is that children have more enrollments in ballet than teenagers'. Compared to them, the adolescents' interests in dance are very different, and they love modern dance more.
Looking at the charts more closely, one can see that private studio classes participating are the highest in Linking Words
area, making up 48%, followed by the students who go to school halls. Others are less than 20%. The age groups are quite obvious that the majority of attendees in ballet are children, and when it comes to modern dance, the situation is totally opposite. Linking Words
, the pupils in Tap are about equally divided into teens and kids.Linking Words