The table shows the changes in modes of travel in a European country between 1995 and 2025. It also shows a projection to the year 2015.
IELTS Writing Task Chart for The table shows the changes in modes of travel in a European country between 1995 and 2025. It also shows a projection to the year 2015.
The given table illustrates how five different modes of transportation changed in European
Fix the agreement mistake
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from 1995 to 2015.
Linking Words
, there was a
Correct your spelling
increase in
Add an article
the use
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of air and rail as a mode of
Correct your spelling
over the given period.
Linking Words
, buses
Change the verb form
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Verb problem
have lost
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Linking Words
Fix the agreement mistake
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Fix the agreement mistake
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experienced a little fluctuation and showed very
Correct word choice
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Sentences: Add more complex sentences.
Basic structure: Write more paragraphs.
Basic structure: Add more body paragraphs.
Common mistake: Your writing should be 150-250 words.
Basic structure: Write more paragraphs.
Vocabulary: Only 6 basic words for charts were used.
I am writing to request the provision of bicycle parking at our building. I ride my bicycle to work daily as it is an eco-friendly and healthy mode of transportation. Unfortunately, the current bicycle parking situation is inadequate, leading to various issues.
In several countries is normal for teenagers once finish school to enrol themselves on military service. Some people argue that this policy is a good idea, as well as included in these programs for women. However, there are other groups that are against these laws. I completely agree with this statement, which helps to adapt habits of discipline and respect for others, and the feeling of patriotism not just in men, as well as women.
Technology plays a big role nowadays . It is very important to understand the the benefit of modern technology. We must keep up with modern technology because it makes our life orgnaized and easier. One of the modern technology is using AI ,which means artificail intallegence. It can provide a lot of updated information to help you with your projects and reserches. There are many advantages and disadvantages of useing technology specialy at work places. Some of the advantages are get work done very easy and quickly . It helps the employee to improve the quality of work and also time saving . The disadvatages are very few in my opinion , for example misuse of modern technology like sit on the computer for a long time it may effect your health that will lead to increase the obesty in the socity , bad body posture and bad sight . Employee will depend only in AI and that will limite their creativity in work places. To sum up , every modern technology have a good and bad side but what...
Oil and gas have been the most prominent sources of energy for various industries like automobiles, electricity production, etc. In recent times, there has been a significant increase in the global demand for oil and gas. The increasing demand but limited supply of oil and gas is popularizing the idea that the undiscovered parts of the world should be explored to get more access to these resources. Although I agree that these undiscovered areas might prove to be a great resource for oil and gas, at the same, it can be detrimental to our earth’s natural diversity.