It is undeniable that with the advancement in technology, it become feasible to gain knowledge about any other
,Remove the comma
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settingCorrect your spelling
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at your home.
, some people consider travelling as an important part of their learning. I fully agree with
the reasons explained in the following paragraphs.
with, there are several reasons
that Correct word choice
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why travel is not necessary for collecting information about any
, it
helpChange the verb form
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people in saving their
because books provide them with the flexibility that they can access
them Correct pronoun usage
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at any
givesCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
them data related to the nation even without visiting a place.
, watching movies about the
provides people with great insights regarding their eating habits, culture, and clothing which saves them a hefty amount of
as it is so true that going to any
requires you a lot of things
visaCorrect article usage
show examples
, and ticket and that costs a lot.
, for an average
it is so hard to spend that much.
, reading and films are
bestChange the article
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sourceChange the noun form
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for getting information without spending your
on them.
, apart from all that it
allowChange the verb form
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individuals to explore different traditions from the comfort of their homes
,Remove the comma
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since digital media become so advanced that we can go through
wideAdd an article
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range of content
staying at home.
, documentaries, online courses, and virtual tours are so informative
, experiencing
a Remove the article
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culture via travel can lead to personal growth and a more meaningful understanding of subtleties.
, it still costs a fortune to the
middle classAdd a hyphen
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, my aunt was the one
Correct pronoun usage
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loveReplace the word
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travelling, she was so fond of it that she did not even care
that Correct word choice
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how much was she spending.
, she end up getting
loanAdd an article
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now even for basic amenities.
exploring a
gives you proper data regarding a place, learning about that on
InternetAdd an article
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is more
money savingAdd a hyphen
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