Population is one of the most controversial topics. It creates a
of challenges when
in some
countiesCorrect your spelling
show examples
decide to migrate to the
citesCorrect your spelling
show examples
from villages. I overwhelmingly
believedWrong verb form
show examples
that it has
the Correct article usage
show examples
significant drawbacks.
One of the most significant of
itCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
is the overcrowded environment. These
in order to find
the Correct article usage
show examples
better job opportunities change their current places to
the Correct article usage
show examples
mega cities without considering the potential risks
ofChange preposition
show examples
itCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
,Remove the comma
show examples
lack of
the Correct article usage
show examples
accessibility to the facilities for local
, which
reduceCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
the level of satisfaction among
who are living in
, it creates a diverse range of pollution for that specific
particularlyAdd the comma(s)
show examples
a Correct the article-noun agreement
show examples
rush hours
ofCorrect your spelling
show examples
jamFix the agreement mistake
show examples
that, not only
effectsVerb problem
show examples
the quality of weather but
produces a
of noise pollution that significantly
destroyCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
the peace among residents. Let’s take
anCorrect article usage
show examples
example of cite,
whereCorrect word choice
show examples
haveCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
challenges but still
remainCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
in its position.
Another critical aspect of it is
the Correct article usage
show examples
security which, is the first thing that completely
treatWrong verb form
show examples
conditions. In
placeFix the agreement mistake
show examples
seeking to find their basic needs and
they Correct pronoun usage
show examples
cannot find
theirChange the word
show examples
job that
alignChange the verb form
show examples
with their
preferenceFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, they tend to participate in most
of Change preposition
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
illegal actions to
prepareVerb problem
show examples
their needs.
survey that l read on
the Correct article usage
show examples
social media, most of these places strongly share fear and disappointment
betweenChange preposition
show examples
their residents, which leads to
disruptingReplace the word
show examples
fromChange preposition
show examples
their goals of upward mobility.
, it shares the strong sense of anxiety for
increasingly that
may have to rethink
about Change preposition
show examples
their condition and
changingWrong verb form
show examples
that they really love
them Correct pronoun usage
show examples
and provides
theCorrect article usage
show examples
sense of belonging for them.
Some groups argue that
,Remove the comma
show examples
theCorrect article usage
show examples
positive action and leads to
increaseCorrect article usage
show examples
theChange preposition
show examples
workforcesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
in our cities to cover a
of tasks. I completely reject
somehow it can be useful, the challenges of it should not
to Change the verb form
show examples
be overlooked. One of the biggest issues is demotivation,
thatCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
to workChange preposition
show examples
hard to achieve
to Change preposition
show examples
their goals, by knowing that there is someone to cover their roles.
In conclusion, changing the
the Correct article usage
show examples
villages to
citesCorrect your spelling
show examples
areCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
extremely powerful to create a
damagesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
if it
could notWrong verb form
show examples
be controlled,