Nowadays, It is undeniable that we live in advance of
theCorrect word choice
show examples
improvement itReplace the word
show examples
improveChange the verb form
show examples
how the way
, some
think that
advanceFix the agreement mistake
show examples
ofChange preposition
show examples
bringChange the verb form
show examples
some Correct quantifier usage
show examples
drawbackFix the agreement mistake
show examples
impactsCorrect word choice
show examples
on society. I firmly assert that regardless of positive impacts,
bringChange the verb form
show examples
a lot of disadvantages.
essay will examine some drawbacks of
Correct article usage
show examples
is playing a
role in our daily life nowadays,
due toChange preposition
show examples
we are living in
technologyCorrect article usage
show examples
era where all our activities
accompanyWrong verb form
show examples
and supported by
smartphoneFix the agreement mistake
show examples
SmartphoneAdd an article
The smartphone
A smartphone
show examples
is now very significant for individuals, where
phoneFix the agreement mistake
show examples
now can use
a toolsCorrect the article-noun agreement
show examples
to support our daily
lifesCorrect your spelling
show examples
, from
payWrong verb form
show examples
transactionFix the agreement mistake
show examples
e-walletFix the agreement mistake
show examples
communicationChange preposition
show examples
using messenger apps
,Remove the comma
show examples
Whats app, Instagram, telegram and other social media.
isVerb problem
show examples
changed how the way
offerChange the verb form
show examples
an Correct article usage
show examples
easy communication,
but Correct word choice
show examples
createdWrong verb form
show examples
some Correct quantifier usage
show examples
various issues.
to be
individualFix the agreement mistake
show examples
of meeting
personally, individuals prefer talking through online
meetingFix the agreement mistake
show examples
googleCapitalize word
show examples
meetingFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, calling or texting.
new habit will
createsChange the verb form
show examples
a new character named 'individualism' which
leadingWrong verb form
show examples
carelessAdd an article
show examples
, online communication can
Correct article usage
show examples
moralCorrect your spelling
show examples
of society.
on social media,
theirChange the word
show examples
right to
commentsWrong verb form
show examples
about other content regardless
Change preposition
show examples
agesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
locationsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
gendersFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, with somehow
leadingWrong verb form
show examples
to personal
causedWrong verb form
show examples
emotional abuse.
In conclusion,
haveChange the verb form
show examples
role in our daily life and
makeCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
our life easier,
we can not
preventedChange the verb form
show examples
that Correct word choice
show examples
bring some negative impacts
makeWrong verb form
show examples
be Unnecessary verb
show examples
individuals and can reduce
moralCorrect your spelling
show examples
onChange preposition
show examples