Smart Correct your spelling
show examples
are so popular in modern life at the moment,
dependsAdd the preposition
show examples
should be
banWrong verb form
show examples
in specific areas like
a Remove the article
show examples
public transportation
as smoking . I completely disagree
onChange preposition
show examples
First and foremost, nowadays access
ofChange preposition
show examples
information is so easy, because of
. İf students have
a subjectsCorrect the article-noun agreement
show examples
of lessons, they can use
internetAdd an article
show examples
smart Correct your spelling
show examples
, one survey shows,
theCorrect word choice
show examples
biggest part of students do their
, they have
aChange the article
show examples
to discover new knowledge.
, screens can be
to searchChange preposition
show examples
newChange preposition
show examples
, recently, communication is necessary
toChange preposition
show examples
real life. When people
tradingWrong verb form
show examples
, they always use
. It is not only about commerce, but
academics and business
humanFix the agreement mistake
show examples
usually organize their
time on
smart Correct your spelling
show examples
for say to mates.
, experts say "
whenCapitalize word
show examples
crowdCorrect article usage
show examples
somebodyChange preposition
show examples
happeningWrong verb form
show examples
on the
significantAdd an article
show examples
role in public.
, mobile
include many apps inside,
a lot of
groupFix the agreement mistake
show examples
of people spend their time with
Correct pronoun usage
show examples
phoneFix the agreement mistake
show examples
thisChange the determiner
show examples
actions improve their
hormones'Change noun form
show examples
their productive
brainAdd an article
show examples
is developing.
, Minecraft
gameFix the agreement mistake
show examples
is affecting toWrong verb form
show examples
creative skills and
abilityFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, since many
teacherChange to a plural noun
show examples
suggestChange the verb form
show examples
to Change preposition
show examples
Minecraft for kids.
toChange preposition
show examples
puzzle games
toChange preposition
show examples
children's growing process. So, mobile
can increase
to Change preposition
show examples
childrenChange noun form
show examples
creative partReplace the word
show examples
In conclusion, mobile
have huge benefits but smoking
don'tChange the verb form
show examples
have any good side to
human'Change noun form
show examples
health and success.