To improve the safety of roads some suggested that The Constitution require changing the minimum legal
of the driver to get a license. I do agree with the statement,
, the law needs to alter some regulations to ensure the safety of the
, the young generation has
very careless when it comes to driving these days. The reason behind
, they might lack in sense of responsibility which results in mishaps.
lack of skills in driving they are not able to tackle difficult situations
, the consequences of their actions would affect other
on the
, intake of
a Correct the article-noun agreement
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toxic substances
as alcohol, and drugs leads to rash driving because
them it is a way of flexing in front of their peers. They are not in the state of mind to understand the importance of following the rules which are implemented to keep the public safe from
, a
19 year oldAdd a hyphen
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was driving a truck and was overspeeding on the highway.
driving he was using his mobile phone
which he lost his sight from the
for a second and he hit a car in front of his truck and 3
died on the spot. If the minimum
for driving a truck is above 25 years
might beVerb problem
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these types of accidents could not happen because
atAdd the comma(s)
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of 25, a person is mature enough to understand the importance of life.
, the government should bring some awareness seminars which focus on the driving skills of the driver to become a perfect driver without any flaws. They should change the minimum
of fully licensed drivers to different perimeters
as, in the
beginningAdd the comma(s)
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youth should be allowed to drive
aCorrect article usage
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company of an elder to ensure the person is driving properly. If they get any tickets
of implementing penalties, their license shall be cancelled and they have to apply for their license again with proper driving classes and a certificate which ensures that they are eligible to drive on the
, the reformation of the driving rules in case of
limit may bring some relief to the
on the
and those workers who work on the roads.