There is no denying the fact that the educational investment in a child is important.
it is a commonly held belief that Linking Words
countries should fund schools for Correct article usage
only without other subjects, there is Use synonyms
an argument that opposes it. In my opinion, I consider that concentrating on one subject and ignoring the others will destroy our education outcomes.
Linking Words
To begin
with, if the governments fund only Linking Words
, that will lead to a lack of educational tools. Use synonyms
In other words
, students will suffer from misunderstanding subjects like psychology, sociology, and sports, which need more tools. Linking Words
In addition
, that will lead to poor communication skills and obesity.Linking Words
For example
, Oxford University published research that China suffered from obesity and violence between students from 1940 to 1960 because it concentrated only on Linking Words
Another point to consider, it will create overcrowding of workers in scientific specializations. It is Use synonyms
possible to say that students tend to choose the major that represents their strength and that the state cares about Linking Words
to ensure
a stronger pension and ease of study. Change the verb form
, the country will suffer from a shortage of workers in the literary field, which poses a risk of its history being lost and forgotten.Linking Words
For instance
, some countries, Linking Words
as African countries, face the problem that there is not enough information about their roots.
In conclusion, despite people having different views, I believe that each subject has importance; we cannot ignore one of them and stop funding for it.Despite that, Linking Words
is the most important.Use synonyms