The maps illustrate the differences the Lakeside town over nine years from 2000 to 2009.
, the town of Lakeside has undergone a significant transformation with urban expansion replacing much of the old buildings. Several new facilities, including shopping centres, Multi-screen cinemas, Universities and Industrial complexes.
Observing the layout in more detail, one of the most striking adjustments is that the lake which had a large space in 2000, transformed into a tiny pond in 2009. Linking Words
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, the Industrial complex included a slight area in 2000,compared to the following year, there was expanding approximately double area.
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On the other hand
, another essential transformation is the development of facilities in 2009. The old town was demolished and transformed into an office in 2009. Linking Words
, some areas of Derelict warehouses have changed into car parks.
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analyzing the layout, the other part of the map remains unchanged, Linking Words
for instance
, schools and residential areas.Linking Words