In most
and water pollution gradually increase over decades. There are several main factors which significantly impact
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as excessive car
and broad consumption of deodorants. One of the most pragmatic solutions can be introducing a car-sharing scheme and encouraging natural activists to
promote Verb problem
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conduct seminars and workshops in schools.
On the one hand, in recent centuries, people become more detrimental
forChange preposition
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environmentAdd an article
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. The contemporary trends are encouraging
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society to use devastating products,
as cars which use fossil fuels to power and deodorants with highly contaminated ingredients.
of these harmful items
areChange the verb form
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the result of
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emergeChange the verb form
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a certain damages to
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, diminishing quality of
and water endangers
humans'Change noun form
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lung health, it is proved by the specific research which is conducted by
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Stanford University. It indicates that every 2% of quality shrinking increases possibility of the lung cancer by 5%.
, researchers warn societies about the excessive
of contaminated products.
Many scientists propose multiple remedies for the dilemma,
, the car-sharing scheme is the most pragmatic solution for
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private vehicle overuse.
individuals acquire multiple advantages by using their private cars, they cause natural degradation. The car-sharing model promotes that people who are
locatingWrong verb form
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in the same residence must use a single car for their daily
. So,
policy limits car
in a family by 1.
, natural activists should be supported by the government to inform youngsters about natural collapse
of deodorants. They contain a huge amount of chemicals which alter the
's freshness.
YoungCorrect article usage
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generation should be more aware of
problematic situation,
they need to be informed by the experts.
, educative seminars and workshops must be held in institutions.
In conclusion, a big proportion of the world suffering from
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and water pollution. It is not inevitable,
, it should not be overlooked.
, steps must be taken,
as increasing the knowledge of the community and using
car-sharingAdd an article
the car-sharing
a car-sharing
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