The line graph compares the income gap between men and women in five countries during the period of 1978-2008.
, the difference in money earned between these two genders tended to narrow down in Japan, the US, France and the UK Linking Words
the trend is the opposite for the case of Australia.
Japan witnessed the highest gap between income of men and women in 1978, at nearly 50% Linking Words
the figures for the US and the UK were around 30% and that for France was approximately 20%. The percentage decreased gradually and after 40 years, the difference between the money earned of these sexes in Japan was 40%. The US and UK almost collied at 28% Linking Words
France was the country with the lowest gap at 18% in 2008.
Australia witnessed the smallest difference in income among the five countries in 1978, at about 19%. Linking Words
, after 10 years standing still at roughly 17%, the figure went straight to about 23% in 2008.Linking Words