You want to rent out a small apartment to a family, and you have decided to advertise it. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper asking to advertise your ad on the front page of the newspaper. In your letter, give details of the ad that you want to publish mention that you want the ad to be published on the front page say how you would like to pay for the advertisement Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir or Madam,
Dear Sir or Madam,
I trust you are doing well.
The purpose of writing
letter is to provide you with some information about an advertisement which I decided to publish for a small apartment that I want to rent out.
First and foremost, the apartment has 3 bedrooms with a balcony. Linking Words
Linking Words
, Linking Words
parking is Remove the article
included. Linking Words
, a play area for children could be available with a special request.
Linking Words
, it would be great if you could publish the advertisement on the first page of the newspaper for a quick response. As I want to rent out Linking Words
accommodation as soon as possible.
At the very least, I would like to inform you that I will pay the whole amount for Linking Words
advertisement through Linking Words
card. Correct article usage
a debit
As well as
I would like to request a receipt for my reference.
I hope you understand all my requirements.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Dhruvi PatelLinking Words
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task achievement
Consider providing a slightly more detailed description of the apartment's features, such as size or location, to enhance the task response.
coherence and cohesion
Try to use linking words to improve flow, such as 'Furthermore' or 'In addition', in starting some sentences.
Your greetings and closing remarks are very appropriate and polite, showing a formal tone that is suitable for this type of letter.
The letter is well-organized, with clear paragraphs focusing on individual aspects of your request.
Structure your letter
A letter needs to be written using a proper format, including the following:
- A greeting (Dear sir/madam, Dear John, Dear Mr. Smith)
- The main body (consisting of paragraphs for each part of the letter)
- A closing (Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully, Best wishes, Kind regards, Love)
When writing a letter as part of the IELTS General Training Writing Task 1, it is important to include the bullet points presented to you in the question.
All three bullet points need to be presented. And remember that some bullet points contain more than one element. So, make sure to watch for ‘and’ and plurals.