The chart provides information about the number of teenage girls to adult women aged 16-25 who participated in sports compared to the supporters. The data was taken in the year 2000.
, there was a significant difference between the participants and watchers from the six different games. Linking Words
, most females prefer basketball to others. The comparison of percentages of girls aged 16-25 who played and watched basketball was not too far. The number of young ladies who played the game was 50, Linking Words
the count of viewers was around 55. Linking Words
, the highest total was 60, it was the watchers of tennis. Linking Words
, if the data compared to the contestants of tennis, it was only a half. Linking Words
In addition
, the players of golf had a similar count with the tennis. Linking Words
, the viewers of golf were only one-third of the joiners of the tournament.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, the other games Linking Words
as gymnastics, badminton, and horse riding and racing had the three lowest numbers evaluated for all the sports. Gymnastic had 20 watchers, Linking Words
the players were only half of the defenders. The total of joiners in badminton was nearly to gymnastic. Linking Words
, horse riding and racing had the smallest number of the whole competitions.Linking Words