It is often argued that producers and retail stores should take the leadership to minimize the overpackaging system,
others believe that it should be
by the public to cease
trend. In my opinion, the manufacturers should demonstrate
moreCorrect article usage
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environment friendlyAdd a hyphen
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packaging system to create a bigger impact on
the Correct article usage
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society, rather than
for an individual transformation in
essay will explore various scenarios of the topic and demonstrate my viewpoint with logical narration.
with, one of the major reasons to backup less packaging
practiceFix the agreement mistake
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the Correct article usage
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retailsReplace the word
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stores and producers
areCorrect subject-verb agreement
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the likelihood of extensive results.
By initiatingChange preposition
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minimalCorrect article usage
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wrap upJoin the words
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method by the production houses could steadily shape
the Correct article usage
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consumer behaviour,
, it can assist in lowering excess waste products.
the Correct article usage
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online delivery companies like Amazon can help to bring down
trend, by reducing multiple wraps or using alternative options to avoid excess covering. Considering, people's increased interest in delivery apps,
resolution can develop a significant impact on consumer behaviour,
, they can guide a wider audience into
new approach smoothly.
, one cannot unsee the potential positive outcome in the reduction of over packing
methodFix the agreement mistake
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through individual effort.
,Remove the comma
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peopleCorrect word choice
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should be more responsible
itemsChange preposition
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requiresChange the verb form
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packChange the form of the verb
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by Change preposition
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takingCorrect your spelling
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an extra effort to make sure you are not wasting materials
will help to minimize the waste production. I recall my shopping experience
fromChange preposition
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a local supermarket,
from Change preposition
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where I bought a kitchen pan, and the attendant wrapped up the unbreakable pan with loads of papers and plastics
anywaysCorrect your spelling
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experiences can be avoided, once people start to become more conscious about their actions.
In conclusion, the public's ignorance does play a pivotal role in
, I would argue that the manufacturers and
retailsReplace the word
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stores can create
muchAdd an article
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bigger impact
inChange preposition
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the Correct article usage
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society. Yet, a balanced approach from both individuals and goods suppliers can generate
fasterCorrect article usage
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revolution for
individual'sFix the agreement mistake
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cautious consumption patterns
suppliersChange noun form
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sensible packaging approach could create a path of least resistance.