todayChange noun form
show examples
digital era, advancement in technology has delivered a lot of benefits including quick
and connecting people to one another all around the world. A section of society
reckonChange the verb form
show examples
intelligence promotes harmony among
the Correct article usage
show examples
people. Others, whilst, think that it making folks isolated,
have any
impact on their social life.
to explain both
the Correct article usage
show examples
my perspective.
with, having
conversationAdd an article
show examples
through the social networking sites has become an integral part of almost everyone's life. With just one or two
clickCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
on the electronic gadgets, people initiate the discussion despite
being Unnecessary verb
show examples
living far from one
and Correct word choice
show examples
otherCorrect quantifier usage
show examples
. These days,
of workers migrate to other cities or countries as well.
, they connect with their loved ones or family by using
internetAdd an article
show examples
, that's how they stay aware and feel secure towards their family.
wholeAdd an article
show examples
has become
theCorrect article usage
show examples
globalised village, where anyone can contact any random person anytime without being
present there and both can share their cultural heritage and
get a chance to learn
newCorrect article usage
show examples
from them.
, making
friendFix the agreement mistake
show examples
on social media networking
siteFix the agreement mistake
show examples
is common, where
liveCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
to know the foreigner and learn new things from them which
makingWrong verb form
show examples
with the cultural values followed in their nation
whichCorrect word choice
show examples
theCorrect article usage
show examples
sense of appreciation among them.
, relying excessively on technology to make virtual friend has
negativeAdd an article
show examples
impact as well on the
development of the persons because it is highly imperative to have
in Change preposition
show examples
personReplace the word
show examples
conversationFix the agreement mistake
show examples
with known ones which assists
toChange preposition
show examples
confidence and
to face any
challengeFix the agreement mistake
show examples
in case they require to keep their
of view in front of other clearly. It
is seemChange the verb form
show examples
that individuals who spend
of Change preposition
show examples
their time on electronic gadgets start keeping
theirCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
isolated. To be more
, they avoid
to Verb problem
show examples
socialise in
the Correct article usage
show examples
society which results in
the Correct article usage
show examples
esteemCorrect your spelling
show examples
, it is highly likely that
netizens suffer from mental disorders
as anxiety and depression at a very early
agerCorrect your spelling
show examples
less exposure to the
real lifeAdd a hyphen
show examples
of socializing and
a circle in which they can sit and express
their Correct pronoun usage
show examples
theirselfCorrect your spelling
show examples
without any conflict.
recentAdd an article
show examples
was Unnecessary verb
show examples
the eminent Dr. Max
weberCapitalize word
show examples
that 65% of pupils are confronting
the Change the article
show examples
insomnia and bipolar disorder because they prefer just to have virtual
friendFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and when they
hasChange the verb form
show examples
to face other folks they get annoyed and
without any particular reason
In conclusion, in my point of view, a balanced
approachedReplace the word
show examples
is needed to be followed to make a lucrative usage of the technology which
helpCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
citizens to stay together and establish
a Remove the article
show examples
tranquilityChange the spelling
show examples
among the different regions by vanishing
the Correct article usage
show examples
discrimination on the basis
onChange preposition
show examples
caste, religion or colour of a human being.
from the
makeWrong verb form
show examples
relationsReplace the word
show examples
important to have a confident personality.