The provided line chart illustrates the information on the amount of people (in per cent) who live in cities in four Asian nations (Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia) from 1970 to 2020,
along with
a prediction for the next Linking Words
20 years.
From an Verb problem
point of view, despite the fluctuations, the figures all seem to be increasing over the period and are considered to continue Linking Words
trend up until 2040.
Linking Words
To begin
with, Malaysia and Indonesia have approximately a similar ratio in terms of variations in numbers, as the percentage of people living in urban areas in each of them rose to around 2 times the original value by the end of the period (2020). Linking Words
On the other hand
, Thailand and the Philippines faced smaller changes, in fact, Linking Words
reached a peak of 50% by 1990 and the numbers stood nearly unchanged until 2020. Thailand, Correct article usage
the Philippines
in addition
, had a Linking Words
increasing trend, which reached its top in the year 2020 with nearly 30% of individuals being in cities.
Change the adjective
, taking a closer look at the estimated results, reveals that figures are expected to keep climbing for the next 2 decades, with Malaysia in first place (80%).Linking Words
Taha Sol.