In recent years, there has been a tremendous increase in the number of individuals arguing that Fatherhood ought to
emphasisedAdd a missing verb
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as much as motherhood.
some may disagree,
iChange the capitalization
show examples
would argue that
should be given as much importance as
in deciding whether or not to have a
.From my perspective, taking
decision helps create a more stable and happy family
, there is an
to be made that
thoCorrect your spelling
show examples
do not help
the children they most definitely help take care of the
after its
, after a
is born ,
are the ones that pay the hospital bill , buy all the necessary items
as diapers , milk , trolleys and etc.
reason, it is evident that
create a
a Correct article usage
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stress freeAdd a hyphen
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for the
and mother.What is more, even before
childCorrect your spelling
show examples
men take up
majorityAdd an article
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of the
houseCorrect your spelling
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the Correct article usage
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cannot effectively perform
taskFix the agreement mistake
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being the case it can
beenChange the verb form
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assumed that , if
are tasked and expected to perform certain duties before
child Correct your spelling
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and pay for
after , they should
Add a missing verb
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in deciding whether or not to have babies.
In terms of the
that women who solely decide whether or not
haveFix the infinitive
show examples
babies end up responsible for bringing the
up. I firmly believe that
veiw'sChange noun form
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are wrong because even if the
womenFix the agreement mistake
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isChange the verb form
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the main decision maker and chooses to have a
against the
manChange noun form
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choice , husbands still do their duty and
support their
wifesCorrect your spelling
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, a study done in 2019 showed that 89% of men stayed and supported their wives through and after
child Correct your spelling
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even if they were not ready for a
, it is clear regardless of
the Correct article usage
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who is responsible for choosing whether to have kids ,
with Change preposition
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aCorrect article usage
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inChange preposition
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that decision-making
harbors the
in the rest of
femaleCorrect article usage
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population that their choice will end them as single
which is entirely false and without
basesFix the agreement mistake
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in mind, we have to put an end to
ideaAdd an article
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that women
who Correct pronoun usage
show examples
are solely responsible for deciding whether or not to have babies leads
on Change preposition
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to them being responsible for bringing the children up.
, the overwhelming evidence seems to suggest that
should be given as much respect and emphasis as
as they too play a key role in the
childChange noun form
show examples
upbringing and well-being. In my humble opinion, the concept of
being the ones with the power to choose when to start a family is a trend that needs to be stopped as it can lead to greater issues in
family'sChange the noun form
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