In recent years , there has been a tremendous increase in the number of individuals that are suggesting that
should take a gap year to pursue other
some may strongly disagree saying that it is a waste of
.From my
it is a necessary step.
, there is an
to be made that
by Change preposition
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to work or travel during their gap year,
it Correct pronoun usage
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provides them a chance to be mentally prepared for the work ahead.
, if a medical student is allowed an internship at a hospital it will let him visualize the path he is pursuing and
be more dedicated to his
reason , it is evident that working after finishing school is not a waste of
but more so a means to learn outside basic textbooks and computer
screenFix the agreement mistake
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to broaden their
know Verb problem
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opinions. what is more, if a new graduate is allowed to travel , it will provide him with a way to relieve his exhaustion and return to his
fresh and energized mind.
being the case, if we hinder
to takeChange preposition
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a break , they will be burdened
underChange preposition
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immense work and not have a clear picture of what they want to pursue.
, it must be stated that the general population
belivesCorrect your spelling
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that a gap year is a waste of
studentsCorrect word choice
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should immediately move on to the next step of their
has clear downsides.
, a study done in
thailandChange the capitalization
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showed that 61% of
forced to attend university right after
dropped out after their 2nd semester. With
evidence ,
the majority of
cannot cope with the immense burden of university right after finishing
highschool Correct your spelling
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, a large group of graduates find their life goals without ever needing higher
as working in customer service , at oil rigs or as a nanny. with
in mind , there is no doubt that
theirReplace the word
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are numerous benefits of taking a break after ending school but very few cons.
, the overwhelming evidence seems to suggest that fresh diploma holders should be allowed the
to broaden their
horizonFix the agreement mistake
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and not be tied to the rat race of moving on to the next step without weighing their options as many find the meaning and passion of their lives during
small but meaningful break.