In recent years,
has gained significance with many people relocating abroad for tertiary
, some
is a negative development,
others argue
ofChange preposition
show examples
it benefits.
studying abroad
offerCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
, it
poses some drawbacks
as emotional struggles and loneliness.
TheseCorrect determiner usage
show examples
essay will explore
thisCorrect determiner usage
show examples
On the one hand, there is no doubt overseas Universities teach with
advancedCorrect article usage
show examples
curriculum, which is more practical than local higher
, Cambridge University is
onCorrect your spelling
show examples
the most
institution considered by Nigerians,
, many Nigerian schools try to
adaptCorrect your spelling
show examples
cambridgeChange the capitalization
show examples
methods and
syllabusFix the agreement mistake
show examples
of Change preposition
show examples
into teaching which often
makeCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
the student struggle to
follow-upCorrect your spelling
show examples
variesReplace the word
show examples
other curriculumChange the wording
another curriculum
other curricula
show examples
in place, meanwhile, when studying in United kingdom, student can easily followup because of the standardization in the implement.
, studying abroad can negatively affect students, particularly in terms of
emotionReplace the word
show examples
and mental stability. Many
studentFix the agreement mistake
show examples
abroad battle with
depressionsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, which is mostly caused by loneliness.
is because
,Remove the comma
show examples
theirReplace the word
show examples
isCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
no family members or friends around to communicate with.
a Correct article usage
show examples
research conducted by
UniversityCorrect article usage
show examples
of Debrecen, Hungary, showed
majorityAdd an article
show examples
of international students struggle with depression and insomnia since they
arrivedWrong verb form
show examples
HungaryChange preposition
show examples
they could stay connected digitally, physical connections
servesChange the verb form
show examples
betterAdd an article
show examples
In conclusion,
Correct word choice
show examples
studying in a foreign country offers
betterAdd an article
show examples
quality of
areCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
. It
haveChange the verb form
show examples
some disadvantages
with includeChange preposition
show examples
mental and emotional struggles.
, both benefits and challenges should
be considerChange the verb form
show examples
when making decisions about studying abroad.