The chart illustrates the foreigners who
not work the entire journal in different regions between 2003 and 2006.At first sight, the four countries can be divided into two groups: the first group contains Australia and New Zealand with values above 10 per 1000 people during 2006, Wrong verb form
the second group involves the United Kingdom and the United States, which show an amount less than 5 in the same period.
The initial comparison reveals a moderate increase in both countries: Australia from 152,000 to 219,000, and New Zealand from 65,000 to 87,000. Notably, Australia reached a peak of 21.1 per 1,000 residents.The subsequent analysis delves into the second band. It is evident that both zones have undergone a substantial increase since 2003, with the UK reaching 266,000 and the US attaining 678,000 in 2006, which is higher than the figures of 137,000 and 577,000 recorded in 2003, respectively.Linking Words
, the United States exhibits the lowest point per 1,000 population (2.3).
The data Linking Words
reveal a growth in the number of foreign employees between 2003 and 2006.Linking Words