IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the digital era the world is connected, and the people are able to communicate with each other like never before. With the exponential increase in the technology adaption, many people from across the age spectrum star
The Social media is used mostly by people of younger age few years ago. Now it is used by any age group. This increase of popularity of social media concerns many people who believe that there is a risk of sharing inform
Recently the number of people using social media has increased considerably. Although social media brings a couple of dangers of leaking personal information, I believe the benefits it causes is much more than drawbacks.
Since the invention of social media, many people have been better able to connect with each other and also to keep up to date with the lives of their friends, families, co-workers and even celebrities, to such a degree w
Since the development rapidly of the Internet and Social Media, people around the world have achieved many benefits from that such as easily accessing any information, knowledge and connecting people around the world. Ho
Firstly, a social media website can connects people. My sister Mina lives in the Czech Republic and I can share my mother's birthday and my cousin's wedding pictures with her via facebook. She would know that we are heal
In the era of information technology, social network such as Facebook or LinkedIn has been commonly used for most people without age limit. Although there are many drawbacks to use social media, especially the threats of
Opinions vary on whether or not museums should be free for visitors. I can understand there are some positive effects, however, I am of the opinions that the advantages are eclipsed by the disadvantages.
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