The two maps compare the village of stokeford develop a period of time, over eighty years between 1930 and 2010. It is evident from the imformation supplied that a part of farmland was replaced by new houses.
The given table illustrates information about the amount of food consumption individually such as meat, wheat, beans, and cheese week by week in European countries in 1992, 2002 and 2012.
The line graph provides information about the effects of terrorism that cause death rates. The data was taken in three different countries between 2011 and 2015.
The two maps show the layout transformation of Grange Park from when it first opened in 1920 to today. The two most distinctive changes are the stage for musicians has been modernized, and become an amphitheater to hold
The line graph reprents the comparison of daily oil consumption in four areas, namely US, Western Europe and Japan, China and Middle East between 2009 and 2030
A glance at the provided graph reveals how much oil is consumed by four main countries including the US, China, Western Europe Japan ,and the Middle East between 2009 and 2030.
The map illustrates the development of Harborne town over the period of time from 1936 to 2007. In 1936, the town was primarily a residential area with few commercial shops, containing more open space filled with trees.
The provided maps illustrate a harbour back in 2000 and its present layout. Overall, it can be observed that it stood in approximately the same shape during the period, with the addition of minor facilities.
The line graph illustrates the consumption of barrales of oil in millions by four reigions including US, China, Western Europ and Middle East over a periond of 21 years.
The bar chart below illustrates the levels of air pollution in four countries, which are China, the United States, Japan, and Australia, in 2021. There are three causes: electricity generation, transport, and industry. U
The table provides information about the salaries of secondary and high school teachers in 2009 in five countries: Australia, Denmark, Luxembourg, Japan and Korea.