IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I saw an article in yesterday's magazine that if anyone wants to contribute an article in a magazine about " The book that influenced me the most". I am writing this letter to show my interest in that and see if i can ge
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing regarding my personal view of a book that change my life. I am a big fan of your magazine. Therefore, I am willing to share my reading experience with you.
I am writing this letter to express my views, for your recent article named ‘The book that influenced me most’. The book that inspired me a lot is ‘The Screat’ which was written by Robert Smith, a famous book writer. He
I hope you are doing well.I am writing this letter to inform you about the the my contribution for our article.There is a book which really influenced by personal and profeesionally , the named 'Rich dad and poor dad'.T
I am writting with regard to the article called "the book that influeced me most" that you wanted to include contributions from readers in 5th issue of your magazine. The most impressive book that I had read was "The Gre
I am Sarah, one of the fans of your magazine.I am delighted to know that you need contributions from your readers for your upcoming article. I am writing this letter regarding the book that have influenced me a lot.
I am writing with regard to the recent announcement which was published in your magazine to include contributions from the readers on “the books that influence me most”. Hence, I am interested to be a part of this articl
I am writing you in response to the article ‘the book the influenced me most’ printed in the last issue of your magazine, as it was stated there that you would be waiting for readers’ contributions. Having noticed this,
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