IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, it is a true fact that the migration of countryside people has been escalating from rural places to metropolitan areas to improve their lifestyle in developing nations. However, this trend has some detrimental
Nowadays, it is a true fact that the migration of countryside worked has been escalating from the rural places to metropolitan areas to improve their lifestyle in developing nations. However, this trend has some detrimen
In the recent era, the labours of underdeveloped nations moving from rural sector to urban areas.However ,this essay will explain the causes that why people are going toward cities,pluse,it also reveal the problems if th
People migrating from one place to an another have escalated tremendously in the recent years. Many people move from the remote places to the tier 1 cities to mount the standard of living, and have a secure future. This
The movement of people from countryside to cities is a common phenomena in almost all the countries and it is mainly due to the lack of employment opportunities and infrastructure facilities in the rural areas. However,
Urbanisation and mass immigration of workers from their village to a metropolitan cities are in increasing trend, in many countries like India. The reason behind the process would be increase in demand of quality of life
Nowadays, employees are shifting from towns and villages to cities in many growing countries. I thought this movement is happening due to more development and facility, this cause some issue to others who stayed there.
There are an increasing number of migrations from rural to urban areas in most third world nations in search for jobs. This essay will discuss two main causes of this small to the big cities movement, including better wo
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