IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The importance of art and science has always been debatable but now has become controversial. There are so many pupils who believe that females should take art subjects and boys should prefer the science stream in schoo
The importance of art and science has always debatable but now has become controversial. There are so many pupils believe that females should take art subjects and boys should prefer the science stream in school or unive
To this day, people still have not reached an agreement on the preferences of studies between girls and boys. To think that girls have a tendency to choose subjects related to art whereas boys tend to choose subjects rel
In the recent world, the difference between women and men in terms of roles in societies is becoming increasingly narrow. However, it is still believed that in the educational arena, young females favour arts where males
by some people that females supposed to study the art subjects in schools and universities and leave the science subjects for males. I take the view this belief should replace by another belief such as both genders are f
There is a dominant trend in society that has led the younger generation to opt different subject. It is perceived that girls wants to take subjects related to arts and boys prefer science related subjects. This essay wi
Common minds are thinking that some subjects divide due to students sex. But, due to nowadays tendency girls prefer art lessons rather science , however, boys vice versa. In this essay I will highlight my opinion with so
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