IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A year break after graduating from school before going to university has increased lately. Eventhough there will be some spaces for students to reflect and think deeply before choosing the next path of their life, but it
In this day and age, taking a gap year after finishing high school and pursuing tertiary education has been ubiquitous. Although this trend has merits, in my opinion, the drawbacks are more significant.
Nowadays, a gap year between graduating high school and attending college is increasingly popular among students. Whether this choice can bring benefits for students or not is still under debate. In this essay, I will di
It is becoming increasingly common for students who have finished school before going to higher education. Although the benefits of this are varied, the drawbacks, in my opinion, should be paid more attention to.
While some people think having a year off between finishing school and going to university is extremely attractive for students, other experts and the public believe this gap is not useful for them.Let me discuss my opin
In this contemporary era, many students have many problems in their scools and colleges so many students take one to two years break from their study also many other factors play vital role for why students taking break
In this present world, the popularity of students having a gap year between graduating from school and starting for the university had increased gradually. From my point of view, although by having a gap year seems to be
Today is very common for students to take a break after finish school and before join the college or university. I think it is the perfect choice for a student to take a break because they will not only relax their mind
After a long period of study, a wide range of students are interested in taking a gap year embarking on higher education . In my opinion, Gap-year takers may gain great benefits from this trend. However, the drawbacks s
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