IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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teaching is an important service that should be available for all children. especially, at a very young age. Some people think of different teaching and communication ways for those in their early education years. Respo
Whether young learners should be divided into different learning groups according to their academic grades has always been hotly debated. As some maintain that smart kids need to be grouped together, the majority, me inc
Students are categorized into two distinct groups. It is often argued that intelligence students should learn in a separate environment. However as to whether it is a blessing or curse, there arises a heated debate among
Most people believe that all children should be educated equally irrespective of their intelligence level. However, others think that students with special IQs should be treated differently during their academic era. I
It is argued by many that student should be separated by their level of intellectual. Whilst others rejects this suggestion and persists on the idea of unseperated schools. I do believe that all pupils should be taught i
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